Browsing Archive: November, 2011


Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, November 27, 2011, In : ECA 
I am currently writing an essay for college which is looking into the innovative ways various art practices use virtual performances within their work.  One group/collective called Igloo are of interest with regards to my interest and use of space.  In an interview with Igloo they refer to the word Simulacra, which is an idea or concept that nothing is real.  Its worth mentioning this is post modern idea as it describes the world we experience as a series of interlocking illusions, with the m...
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Robbie Rowlands

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, November 27, 2011, In : Artists 
Came across Robbie Rowlands work a couple of days ago.  Interested in how he has applied his process to objects as well as rooms.  Click here for his site:

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New works

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, In : Projects 
I recently showed some of my new work in a Project Space at ECA.  Feedback seemed positive and motivating.  I have a few more weeks here in Edinburgh before packing up and moving to the States so I will continue experimenting and see what results happen.  Here are some pics..

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Intense Biro Drawn Images By Il Lee

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, November 6, 2011, In : Artists 
Interesting abstract biro drawings Il Lee

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Studio Experiments: Cut No Paste

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, November 5, 2011, In : Projects 

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Studio Experiments: Cut and Paste

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, November 5, 2011, In : Projects 
Following on from observation that I did with the Fold un Fold project.  I have looked at objects and structures that I can put through similar processes..  One day a building.. For now furniture and more manageable sized objects. 

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Job Description for the Untutored Builder of Space and Time.[UBST]

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, November 5, 2011, In : Artists 

The Institute of Illegal Architects (IIA)

Recruitment and Human Resources

Untutored Builders of Space and Time Scheme


The Role of the Untutored Builder of Space and Time has expanded since the position was established and will continue developing based on the needs of tutored practitioners in the fields of Design and Architecture. The job was formally a static position held at the IIA [Institute of Illegal Architects] who's offices are directly opposite the RIBA, London. But recent expansion ha...

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