Showing category "Exhibitions and Shows" (Show all posts)

MAGIC NUMBER: Drawing Seated

Posted by Dickie Webb on Monday, October 24, 2011, In : Exhibitions and Shows 
Small exhibition at the Edinburgh College of Art last Friday.  My piece Drawing Seated was included in this group show.  Here are a couple of photos of the work.

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DO NOT BEND - Collaboration

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, February 15, 2011, In : Exhibitions and Shows 
Before Christmas I set up a collaboration with different creatives I have met around the world.  I sent each one three drawings similar but not the same and asked them to respond.  Their responses are starting to return and I have created a separate blog to document the outcomes.  Alongside their response the creatives included visual prompts for me to now react to, these will also be posted over the coming months as I start to work through these visual starting points...

So for now please enj...
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Three Exhibitions - Craigcrook Castle

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, January 19, 2011, In : Exhibitions and Shows 


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Embassy Open Exhibition: Salon Vert

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, January 19, 2011, In : Exhibitions and Shows 
Embassy Members Show tomorrow here in Edinburgh.

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We're Very You press launch. Gallery 27 - Cork St.

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, February 12, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 

Here are a collection of works that were exhibited alongside some of the artists and the sitters.
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Photos for DisGuise and Dolls preview.

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, February 12, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 

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Posted by Dickie Webb on Thursday, February 4, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 
New show up on BBC... Go check...
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DisGuise and Dolls

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, February 3, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 

Show opens this Friday.  If you are near or in Oxford go check its a good group show and the museum is one of a kind.
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Exhibition News...

Posted by Richard Webb on Friday, January 22, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 

I will be showing a portrait in this upcoming exhibition opening on the 11th of February.  Please have a look if you live in the London area.


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First post on the new blog!!

Posted by Richard Webb on Thursday, January 21, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 
Hi all...

Busy start to 2000 plus 10..

I ahve just finished my piece for an upcoming show in Oxford, UK.  The show is title 'DisGuise and Dolls' and will be on from the 5th of February through to 21st of March at the Pitt Rivers Museum.

My piece is part of a group show from Oxford Brookes Foundation course.  I will upload some photos and more details nearer the time however you can see my piece 'My name is Wilf' on my site.

Here's a link to the Museum go visit pretty awsome venue pretty honoured ...

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