Showing category "Projects" (Show all posts)

The Lonely Savage

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, In : Projects 

I am always seeking and witnessing words on the street as sometimes they feel more pertinent to me than those that are published.  This isolated writing in Brooklyn was in a barren area and really spoke to me.  The photo I have to give credit to Julia Yusupov as I did not have my camera at the time.  
Lonely Savage probably refers to text in David Hume‘s essay XVI, entitled "The Stoic"

The great end of all human industry is the attainment of happiness. For this were arts invented, sciences cu...

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Do Not Bend - Postal Collaboration

Posted by Dickie Webb on Monday, January 16, 2012, In : Projects 
Prior to leaving for the USA next week I have been trying to conclude my responses to the replies I received for the Do Not Bend Collaboration I created last year.  So please click here to see the current updates.  Here are a couple of sneak peaks to recent uploads.

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Space and Light - Concrete Britain

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, December 20, 2011, In : Projects 
Space and Light 1972 Murray Grigor combined with recent footage by Luke Alexander.  The video work is part of a project titled Concrete Britain.


Concrete Britain/St. Peter's Seminary from Luke Alexander on Vimeo.

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St Peters Seminary a step closer to a rebirth..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, December 18, 2011, In : Projects 
I cam across a book titled: To Have And To Hold.  whilst working at the Fruitmarket Gallery.  The book outlines the current process NVA are going through to help conserve and regenerate one of Scotland's famous modernist buildings and nearby castle.  I used Cardross Seminary for a photo shoot recently and it is really interesting to see how this project evolves.. It would be great to see the place have a second life and it is truly remarkable place..  Here is a link to the NVA webiste..

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Visit To Cardross Seminary just north of Glasgow.

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, December 2, 2011, In : Projects 
Last Sunday I made a visit to the old St Peters College Seminary in Cardross which is just north of Glasgow.  I traveled by train from Edinburgh through Glasgow then Dumbarton and finally to Cardross.  The idea was to take some photos of my current realisations of my Vessels work.  The Seminary was part of a Catholic Teaching college it has been abandoned since the 80's and is now overgrown and destroyed.. I chose this place due to its fallen utopia aesthetics which allow me to place the Vess...
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New works

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, In : Projects 
I recently showed some of my new work in a Project Space at ECA.  Feedback seemed positive and motivating.  I have a few more weeks here in Edinburgh before packing up and moving to the States so I will continue experimenting and see what results happen.  Here are some pics..

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Studio Experiments: Cut No Paste

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, November 5, 2011, In : Projects 

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Studio Experiments: Cut and Paste

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, November 5, 2011, In : Projects 
Following on from observation that I did with the Fold un Fold project.  I have looked at objects and structures that I can put through similar processes..  One day a building.. For now furniture and more manageable sized objects. 

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John Humble - Photography

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, April 9, 2011, In : Projects 

John Humble website

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Spaces Revealed

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, January 2, 2011, In : Projects 
Here are some photos of the two shells that I have experimented with. These are corrugated boxes which have been stripped back to reveal the inner corrugations.  Then these have been filled in with plaster and the remaining cardboard has been burnt away.  The shells you see now are mainly plaster and some parts cardboard where it is needed still to hold together.  I am looking to see how I can remove the cardboard completely, leaving just a skeletal plaster shell.                    

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Video Work By Paul Sharits

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, January 2, 2011, In : Projects 
A friend gave me the link to Paul Sharits work, incredible seeing these video installations which were done in the 1970's makes me rethink how I will use video projection in the future. Enjoy..
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Drawing Collaboration Project Mail Out

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, In : Projects 
I am just in the process of mailing out drawing packs to other creatives.  I am doing this to create a new way to gain perspective on my current thoughts.  I guess I am trying to find some clarity and see how other respond to images that I am playing with and working on.  

If anyone is interested in being part of this process then please let me know and I will send you a pack and instructions of the project.

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East Coast vs West Coast

Posted by Dickie Webb on Monday, November 1, 2010, In : Projects 

On both sides of America there seems to be a move to alter the generic billboard advertising we are presented with.. Here are some links to projects on both sides of the States.

Walead Beshty: Passages part of the LAXART billboard take over in LA.  Check out their site for all the works on display:

Staying on the West Coast and still in LA there seems to be so many billboards they just keep them coming.

The How Many Billboards: Art In Stead project brought together 21 a...

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Abstract Billboards

Posted by Dickie Webb on Monday, November 1, 2010, In : Projects 
Billboards are becoming the canvas of choice it seems for many artists.  Check out the work of French street artist OX and his abstract visions, I like his take..   

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Weekend of reading...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, October 30, 2010, In : Projects 
Feels like I have taken a journey through so many blogs and sites this weekend.. Never ending information feed.  

I find my self increasingly being influenced by the building and structures around me.  Whether this comes from spending so much time in the outdoors in the mountains away from all this.. This being the confinement yet the reliance.. It feels like in the city everything needs everything else yet in turn everything rejects one another.  The posts on the sites I have been reading ar...

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Train of thought

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, October 30, 2010, In : Projects 

Reading further through some of the posts and pages on the Pop Up City blog has been really informing and reassuring leading me to sites such as this one

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Internet Wanderings... Places of interest....

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, October 29, 2010, In : Projects

Checked out this website today whilst looking at rooftop signs and billboards..  Really good site many posts relating to the work I am currently thinking about.  This post is really interesting in how it shows us the results of Sao Paulo's decision to stop all street advertising.  The before and after pictures really do show how the city came back to life once the signs were removed.  Old buildings reappeared and streets came back to life quit...
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Visual Camouflage... interesting link..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, October 8, 2010, In : Projects 
Just getting back into the studio after a winter season in New Zealand..  My first short project titled Ambient Intervention which was based within the Edinburgh College of Arts estate.. I worked with a piece that I titled Valet Camouflage..  You can see pictures of this work on my site.  Today though I was reading an article about Yiting Cheng a designer who has designed a series of 8 works that all conceal or hide valuables within the home.  Follow this link to see more...
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Latest Studio Project.... Check The Change Allowance Project Blog

Posted by Dickie Webb on Thursday, April 22, 2010, In : Projects
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New Saturation: Third piece in the series in progress

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, April 18, 2010, In : Projects 

Here are the bricks for the final part of this series of works.  These concrete blocks will be the base of the final work which will evolve over the next couple of weeks.  

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Final Brum

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, January 29, 2010, In : Projects 
Last day on the commute.  Back to the shires now to get to work on developing the studies have done.  Busy week ahead tho so will see how much work I get done.  Pitt Rivers show opens this week with preview on the 4th of Feb.  So check out disGuise and Dolls at the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford.  Following week preview at Gallery 27, Cort St London.  For the 'We're Very You' exhibitition.  So time to knuckle down and may a few less updates so bear with me.


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Brum walk... Day 2

Posted by Dickie Webb on Thursday, January 28, 2010, In : Projects 
My three day commute to Birmingham continues.. I am really starting to get a feel for this new project.. A lot of photos already in the bank, i'm mainly looking at the way Birmingham is going through a rebirth. Out with the old and in with the new.. However how does the new sit with the old and when its all done will the new be old?
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Three days in Brum... Day 1

Posted by Richard Webb on Thursday, January 28, 2010, In : Projects 

I am currently researching for a new project. Day 1 brought some inspiring images will see what day two brings... 

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