Next step voids and melts...

November 2, 2010
So looking at my results from these experiments I have started to bring elements together.  With the voids I am now looking to see if I can get the similar effects I have seen in the melts.  hence I am now experimenting with bleach and its common use for removing colour.  So continuing with the square paper but now creating the voids similar to the xerox paper but this time letting the medium eat away at the space whilst creating a new space.

I am also looking at how with the melt series I can multiply the events.  So I am looking into reducing the size of the forms and have multiples of cubes melting on the same page.  I hope to see how the spaces escape and follow or not follow other escapes.

Void Expansion...

November 2, 2010
Whilst using the xerox paper I started thinking on how I could reverse the process, so instead of taking the ink of the paper rather trying to re-apply the ink back to the paper... Here I have used graphite and polish on paper and tracing paper to see how this transfer could work.  I was really trying to re-create some of the effects I had made in the xerox voids whilst also seeing how the new mediums could work..


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Xerox Process..

November 2, 2010
This process of working with the xerox paper and its qualities and flaws allowed me to keep on discovering new ways in which to expand these ideas..  He are some drawings developed from the voids..


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Void Xerox..

November 2, 2010
On duplicating my original drawings it gave me thoughts as to the use of the xerox paper.  The dusty texture it creates when scraped was similar to the dust I felt you would find within a space you could not see or access.  If you did access it would be dust that would aid the claustrophobic feeling and with its choking qualities.  I decided to use the paper and manually create duplicates through using the same size and shape piece of paper.. This in turn was the square which has been a const...
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