Melting Escape...

November 2, 2010
My experiments and development of the escaping space have produced some intriguing shapes and forms.  I have played with different contents of the frozen spaces, including salt and liquid acrylic as well as ink and water.  The effects have been quite different with the salt leaving crystals as the ink and water has evaporated and the solutions that have contained more acrylic have bled less than those with more ink content.  Some of the melts have sat and left a solid shape exactly where the cube has been left whilst some have run across the sheet telling a story as they spread.  I like how those that have not moved have escaped through the paper and left little trace as to where they have gone.  Here are some photos of those that have dried so far:


East Coast vs West Coast

November 1, 2010

On both sides of America there seems to be a move to alter the generic billboard advertising we are presented with.. Here are some links to projects on both sides of the States.

Walead Beshty: Passages part of the LAXART billboard take over in LA.  Check out their site for all the works on display:

Staying on the West Coast and still in LA there seems to be so many billboards they just keep them coming.

The How Many Billboards: Art In Stead project brought together 21 a...

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Abstract Billboards

November 1, 2010
Billboards are becoming the canvas of choice it seems for many artists.  Check out the work of French street artist OX and his abstract visions, I like his take..   

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Weekend of reading...

October 30, 2010
Feels like I have taken a journey through so many blogs and sites this weekend.. Never ending information feed.  

I find my self increasingly being influenced by the building and structures around me.  Whether this comes from spending so much time in the outdoors in the mountains away from all this.. This being the confinement yet the reliance.. It feels like in the city everything needs everything else yet in turn everything rejects one another.  The posts on the sites I have been reading ar...

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