Drawings Continued...

October 19, 2010

These drawings are all done using a combination of graphite, marker, charcoal and xerox.
As I do not know where the end is or for that matter the start these drawings keep on evolving, the use of the xerox machine is to create multiples without using a computer.  This allows for reference points to go different directions even though they share the same starting point.

More Drawings From The Inside...

October 19, 2010

These drawings were done using graphite, bic biro and xerox...

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House of Leaves. Mark Z.Danielewski

October 19, 2010

This novel by Mark Z.Danielewski is a book that I read about eight years ago.  I am not one for reading much however this book kept me reading from start to finish with little or no effort.  My current residency made me revisit this book and think about one of the three stories that runs through the book.  The story of a photo journalist and his family moving into a house that on the outside is normal just like any other houses built of its time.  However the story unravels when members of th...
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Space within space.

October 19, 2010
Initial drawings of inner spaces being bigger than those that surround..  I am trying to draw something that I cannot see and in some ways does not exist, however by the same reason is there and is ever present.  The idea of the outside looking in and inside looking out and how the eyes try to adjust to comprehend.  Then the next step is for the brain to then accept that this space may be there and this opens the door to what is in there or what could be in there... Adventure, escape, knowle...
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