First Week At Purchase..

February 3, 2012
Just about settled into my new college here in Purchase New York.  I am here for the next four months as part of an exchange program.  I guess my goals for coming on exchange were to learn some skills which I am not able to learn presently in Edinburgh.  These new skills might in turn become incorporated into my practice in the following years.. The two main electives here that I hope to gain a new perspective on are: Sound and Interactive media and Interactive installation: Hacking the everyday.  They have both started promisingly so ideas are already starting to happen influencing new ways I can present, make and even new ideas on how I record or preserve some of the works I make.  

I am also taking two other electives one is a comprehensive introduction to woodcut and lithography.  Learning how to do black and white woodcuts and also colour work and reductive processes.  The fourth elective is titled Field trips which will be pretty interesting as it will give me a better understanding of the New York art scene.  Professor Sarah Walker will be directing us in our navigation each week around different districts in the New York art world.  It will also generate questions about professional and curatorial perspectives.  I hope this will fill in some gaps as to parts of the art world that I have yet to experience. 

Any way it is early days and the work load has increased considerably from Edinburgh with each elective requiring various elements to be completed weekly as well as projects that will last longer.. I may not update the site with as much new work this semester however I will endeavour to update lessons learned, interesting finds and changes that I feel happening within my thoughts and approach.

Do Not Bend - Postal Collaboration

January 16, 2012
Prior to leaving for the USA next week I have been trying to conclude my responses to the replies I received for the Do Not Bend Collaboration I created last year.  So please click here to see the current updates.  Here are a couple of sneak peaks to recent uploads.

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New York Bound

January 16, 2012
Busy times this end whilst I put everything in place for four months study at Purchase College, New York.  I finally have booked my flight so as of the 23rd of January I will be New York based until mid/end of May.  

The course if the opposite of what I have been experiencing so far in Edinburgh with the US college system focus more on skills.  I am looking forward to learning some new skills that I hope to bring back for my fourth and final year of my degree.  

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Space and Light - Concrete Britain

December 20, 2011
Space and Light 1972 Murray Grigor combined with recent footage by Luke Alexander.  The video work is part of a project titled Concrete Britain.


Concrete Britain/St. Peter's Seminary from Luke Alexander on Vimeo.

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