Showing Tag: " fruitmarket" (Show all posts)

Our Friend Bill

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, In : Artists 
After working for the last two years at the Fruitmarket whilst I am studying at Edinburgh College of Art I have been fortunate to witness many good exhibitions from both sides.  Recently before I came to New York the last show I worked was Bill Bollinger and it was the one that I enjoyed the most for it had a different conversation..  Whilst here in New York that same exhibition has come to The Sculpture Center.  In addition to the works at the Fruitmarket there were other Bollinger works tha...
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St Peters Seminary a step closer to a rebirth..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Sunday, December 18, 2011, In : Projects 
I cam across a book titled: To Have And To Hold.  whilst working at the Fruitmarket Gallery.  The book outlines the current process NVA are going through to help conserve and regenerate one of Scotland's famous modernist buildings and nearby castle.  I used Cardross Seminary for a photo shoot recently and it is really interesting to see how this project evolves.. It would be great to see the place have a second life and it is truly remarkable place..  Here is a link to the NVA webiste..

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